MIX 44

This mix was put together early in the week, as I was traveling to the Decibel Metal and Beer Festival. First time I’ve had to rush to get a mix done in order to have it sent to my Goodnight, Metal Friend subscribers on Friday night in time for bed time!


Norah Lorwaylike nothing beforehttps://xylemrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hold-on
Iron Cthulhu ApocalypseReturn to Silencehttps://ironcthulhuapocalypse.bandcamp.com/track/return-to-silence
PK 2025Euphoriahttps://mylittlefetish.bandcamp.com/album/euphoria-luck
James ParrottTape Anomalyhttps://jamesparrott.bandcamp.com/album/tape-anomaly